Adam dan Hawa by Aisya Sofea


Adam & Hawa

Penulis Aisya Sofea

ISBN: 9789831242162

Primary language: Malay

What can i say? This is not my cuppa tea.

But it turns out I fell in love with the male main character. Well, who doesn’t? Handsome, rich, AND smart! He also has a heart as wide as the sea. Sounds too good to be true, eh? But Aisya Sofea managed to portray Adam Mukhriz as humanly possible. Not perfect as in “God is perfect,” but in he-is-perfect-but-he-also-makes-mistakes-as-human-do. You know what i’m getting at, right? RIGHT?!

Anyway, I dedicated these 4 stars to Adam Mukhriz. *Ketjups*

And, oooohhhh… this book made me “menangis melalak-lalak,” whatever that is.


PS: Buku ini ada versi sinetronnya. Saya sampai nonton di Youtube, daaannn saya nangis lagi. Di buku enggak ada versi Adam dan Ain yang berdoa di depan Jabal Rahmah, tapi seharusnya ada. Menurut saya, adegan berdoa di Jabal Rahmah itu “terasa” lebih tepat, karena merupakan tempat pertemuan antara Adam&Hawa yang sebenarnya.

Buku sejenis: Ayat-Ayat Cinta, Ketika Cinta Bertasbih

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